How to Use Neuro Linguistic Programming to Improve Your Life

How to Use Neuro Linguistic Programming to Improve Your Life

Neuro linguistic programming is a system intended to improve life by enabling people to make the life changes they want. NLP uses guided imagery, sensory awareness and other means to help individuals stop smoking, overcome stage fright, improve performance at work and much more. An outgrowth of the human potential movement popular in the '70s, NPL still thrives through Web sites, books and certified practitioners.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet Access

Consult the Experts on the Use of Neuro Linguistic Programming


Search the Web for facts about NLP. The "NLP Basics" page of the John David Hoag NLP Web site is a great place to start (see Resources below).


Read about the specific aspects and techniques of NLP, including meta modeling, representational systems and behavior modeling.


Match the information you find with the specific changes you want to make in your life.

Apply Neuro Linguistic Programming to Your Own Life


Test out the NLP methodology with a common routine called "The Swish."


Identify an unwanted behavior (such as flying off the handle over small things) or state of mind (anxiety in a specific situation) that you wish to change.


Select a "replacement image." In other words, picture as vividly as possible what you would rather do or feel.


Play with this image. Practice altering it by mentally changing its size, shape, color or distance.


Picture yourself in the unwanted situation. What is the "trigger" for these actions or feelings? In other words, what usually happens just before the unwanted behavior?


Keep the negative picture large in your mind, and mentally put a small version of the replacement image in one corner.


Switch the two images, making the replacement large and the unwanted image small.


Imagine the unwanted image flying off to one side with a "swish" sound.


Clear your mind and breathe naturally.


Repeat the "Swish" exercise until the unwanted image fades. It is suggested that you usually practice this about 7 to 10 times


Learn more about the swish at the Speak Like a Pro Web site (see Resources below).


Evaluate the "Swish" experience. Could you visualize fairly easily? Did the exercise seem to help you? If so, then further investigation into the use of NLP to improve your life is warranted.

Tips & Warnings

Study up on exactly what NLP has to offer and what it can and cannot do, so that you can use it wisely and not waste time and effort.

Using NLP techniques from a book or Web site is free, but working one-on-one with an NLP coach can be moderately priced to expensive. However, many people feel the expense of coaching is well worth it.

NPL methods are not intended to replace qualified medical care for severe illness or chronic conditions, such as arthritis pain or heart disease.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Use Neuro Linguistic Programming to Change Behaviors

How to Use Neuro Linguistic Programming to Change Behaviors

With its roots in the human potential movement of the 1970s, the neuro linguistic programming self-help curriculum seeks to induce change in behaviors by altering mental "maps." It seeks to change how we view our experiences: past, present and future. Supposedly, a person reshapes his or her map through modeling, matching behavior and outlook to those of successful people. It is said that people can use NLP to change bad behavior like overeating, smoking, nail-biting or excessive drinking.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access and email


Find Out if NLP is Right for You


Search the Internet for information on the history and practice of NLP. The NLP Basics Web site is a great place to start (see Resources below).


Think about the behaviors in your life that you would like to change. Add these to your search criteria to find out how NLP addresses these problems.


Try some of the exercises you find at the NLP Marin Web site (see Resources below). Focus especially on those exercises involving guided imagery.


Determine in your own mind how comfortable you feel with this experience. If you are "turned off" or "don't get it," NLP may not be the best choice for you.

Decide How to Use Neuro Linguistic Programming


Gather the facts you have learned about NLP in relation to your own needs. Test out those techniques that can safely be self-taught. For instance, you can learn a popular technique known as "the Swish" at the Speak Like a Pro Web site (see Resources below). You can practice basic eye accessing cues at the Smart Driving Web site (see Resources below).


Seek out a practitioner if your particular behaviors are best addressed by professional help rather than self-help.

Choose a Practitioner and Change Your Behaviors


Write down any questions you would like to ask a practitioner about NLP and your particular goals.


Use a directory (telephone or Internet) or ask a friend to help lead you to a practitioner. Contact one or more of the people listed, preferably by phone, and ask your questions.


Make an appointment with the person who seems most satisfactory.


Cooperate fully with your practitioner for best results.


Expect private sessions to range in price from moderate to expensive.

Tips & Warnings

Neuro Linguistic Programming is a wide and varied practice. To use it effectively, focus on the specific behaviors you would like to change and the NPL methods that apply to those behaviors.

The most important part of NLP is visualization, i.e., making a very specific mental picture and modifying it at will. In this way people have overcome bad habits, increased their effectiveness at work and improved their social lives.

Serious mental or emotional disorders (clinical depression, schizophrenia) and physical ailments (migraines, severe chronic pain) need treatment by a qualified physician. Attempts at self-treatment may worsen these conditions.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Use Neuro Linguistic Programming to Advance Your Career

How to Use Neuro Linguistic Programming to Advance Your Career

Neuro linguistic programming, or NLP, is used to treat everything from phobias to smoking. But of all the purposes for which people use neuro linguistic programming, the most popular is probably career advancement. This 40-year-old self-improvement discipline uses techniques like visualization to alter emotional and mental behaviors. It deals with effective speaking and listening, as well as building rapport. It emphasizes the individual's power to see a situation from several points of view, making it naturally attractive to business owners, salespeople and corporate team-builders.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Acquaint Yourself With Neuro Linguistic Programming


Use the Internet to learn what NLP is all about. A good place to start is the "Introduction to NLP" (see Resources below).


Investigate NLP visualization procedures such as re-framing and time line. Almost every aspect of NLP depends on the ability to visualize. Read the "Free NLP Tips, Techniques, Information & Articles" for more info on visualization (see Resources below).


Use the information you have gathered to decide whether or not NLP is a good choice in your quest to advance you career.

Use Individual NLP Self-Improvement Techniques


Try the NLP technique called "rapport" as you talk to someone you do not know well. Start with a "low-risk" situation such as a casual social gathering.


Sit directly across from the person and converse naturally.


Notice the person's movements and speech habits and what they indicate about him or her. For example, does he seem detail-oriented or interested in the "big picture?" Is he more outspoken or more cautious?


Practice the NLP skill of matching. Slowly and subtly begin to match your breathing, tone of voice and level of energy to the other person.


Listen carefully, letting the rhythm of your matching behavior flow naturally. Do not imitate the person directly.


Judge whether or not you have gained rapport by slightly changing one of your own movements. If the person follows suit, you have succeeded.


Experiment with other NLP methods that you find in books or on the Internet. The NLP Exercise of the Month page of the Northern School of NLP and Associated Studies Web site is an ideal place to find NLP methods (see Resources below).

Determine the Advisability of Hiring an NLP Practitioner


Assess the effectiveness of your NLP trials. Did your experiments garner positive results?


Price the services of local NLP practitioners. Do you feel strongly enough about NLP to want to continue the training, either individually or with coworkers?


Examine Web sites and advertising to find a practitioner who can advance the skills you want.

Tips & Warnings

Use as many resources as you can to find out what parts of the NLP "toolbox" are right for your situation.

Whether you want to advance your own vocational prospects or book an NLP training seminar for your entire office, this practical program offers numerous means for achieving career goals.

NLP workshops tend to be expensive. Examine your budget, your goals and the type of training you want to make sure the results will be worth the money.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Use Naturopathy to Treat Stress

How to Use Naturopathy to Treat Stress

How we manage stress can determine the course of our health. Mild symptoms like sweaty palms or skin irritations are the body's way of warning us about temporary stress. Left unchecked, stress builds and takes a toll on immune, muscular and circulatory systems. Naturopathy, a system natural of health care, addresses the continuum of stress, using relaxation and detoxification techniques rather than prescription drugs.

Things You'll Need:

Access to a naturopathic doctor

Understand the Causes and Effects to Treat Stress


Learn how repeated temporary stress can become a chronic problem leading to long-term muscular tension and immune disorders at the American Institute of Stress Web site (see Resources below).


Visit a naturopath. Expect to spend at least an hour with a naturopathic doctor during your first visit. The doctor will want to get a very thorough history from you and learn about your lifestyle so that you can understand what is causing your stress and what effects it has.

Use Naturopathy to Reduce Your Stress Level


Discover how naturopathy seeks the cause to treat the effects. Naturopathic doctors determine the origin of stress and remove the stressor, if possible. They attempt to ease symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue or skin conditions and break the cycle of stress through relaxation techniques like massage or yoga.


Use a stress-reduction technique regularly that works for you. Massage, chiropractic and acupuncture are moderately expensive. Meditation, exercise and just slowing down cost nothing.


Learn more about naturopathy by reading books by naturopathic doctors, such as "Prescription for Natural Cures: A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet and Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Bodywork, and More" (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Stress has short- and long-term effects in the body, and there is no single cure for stress in all people. Start a trial period of massage, yoga, meditation, chiropractic or breathing therapy to see what works for you.

Make use of emotional, mental or spiritual aids as well as physical ones to reduce your stress. Naturopathic doctors treat the whole person rather than a single symptom and may recommend practices to help you improve your mental outlook.

Get emergency care if your stress symptoms include extreme heart rate changes or trouble breathing.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Use Naturopathy to Treat Osteoporosis

How to Use Naturopathy to Treat Osteoporosis

People who are at high risk for osteoporosis--such as aging men or menopausal women--or those who suffer advanced symptoms (like bone fractures) may be able to benefit from naturopathy. With an emphasis on prevention, this health science will often use natural healing techniques along with conventional medical practices to treat physical disorders. Osteoporosis, or loss of bone density, may be avoided or treated effectively in this way.

Things You'll Need:

Access to a naturopathic practitioner

Use Natural Methods to Treat and Prevent Osteoporosis


Research the causes, risks and symptoms of osteoporosis before symptoms occur, while the disease is reversible or manageable. The National Osteoporosis Foundation (see Resources below) has information on how and why bone loss happens.


Check into how dietary management can steer you clear of osteoporosis. For instance, the National Academy of Sciences recommends 1200 mg of calcium daily for those at risk for bone loss. Get more calcium in dairy products and soybeans or purchased as a nutritional supplement. Vitamin D and other minerals are also important to bone health.


Take more preventive steps by limiting alcohol consumption and not smoking. Avoid falls or other traumas by having your vision tested and corrected, if necessary.


Visit a naturopathic physician for an overall physical and to discuss your lifestyle and various factors that may impact your osteoporosis. Visits to naturopathic doctors are generally less expensive than those to traditional medical doctors, but they may not be covered by your insurance policy.


Learn more about naturopathy at the National Women's Health Resource Center Web site (see Resources below).

Use Naturopathy to Recuperate


Treat osteoporosis following a vertebrae or bone fracture with lifestyle changes. Strengthening exercises can restore strength and balance, building bone density while limiting the possibility of a fall. See a doctor or physical therapist for help.


Get a doctor's advice or buy a cookbook to help you keep your diet high in bone-friendly vitamins and minerals (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Osteoporosis builds gradually over time, and may or may not be a factor in a catastrophic bone fracture. If you experience a fracture for any reason, get immediate emergency medical assistance.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Find Designer Replica Handbags

How to Find Designer Replica Handbags

If purchasing an authentic designer handbag is out of the question, consider buying a designer replica. Replicas are more likely to fit into an average person's budget, and they are usually pretty good imitations of the real thing. They come in a variety of levels of quality, and they can be found several ways.


Look online. There are several well-reputed online stores that sell these replicas at a decent price. Some are also good quality. The risk with purchasing handbags online is that they can't be seen in person, or touched. See the Resources section for more information.


Shop around for look-alikes in regular shops and department stores. Although these will not look exactly to the untrained eye like a designer bag, styles can be found that are pretty close. In the fashion world, designers set the trends, so once a line comes out, all other stores rush to sell pieces that look very similar. This may take time to shop around, but the prices will be good.


Buy knock-offs from the black market. These will probably be the closest to the actual designer bags, but be aware that the black market is barely legal, and it sometimes supports immoral practices such as child labor. These can be found easily in major cities, such as Canal Street in New York City and Santee Street in Los Angeles.


Look for replica designer handbag dealers. They are often women who do it part time for extra income, selling to offices with a lot of women and offering in-home handbag parties much like Tupperware and candle parties. The prices will be good, and the dealer has often done the leg work of finding good quality handbags.

How to Find Designer Brands for Less

How to Find Designer Brands for Less

Like many of you I am on a strict budget. I look at fashion magazines, films and television and see beautiful clothing and accessories that I can't afford. As a matter of fact most of my wardrobe comes in at around $15 per piece and I make most of my


. Over the last year I have found myself wanting some more fashionable pieces (translation expensive) that are made to last longer. It took me a while but I have found a way to have them.

Things You'll Need:



Internet Access



The first place I check are the outlet stores. These are brand-centric and usually carry the latest fashions at deep discounts. In addition they will often accept gift cards and coupons used in the regular stores. Another plus is they are often located near tourist
(giving me a chance to combine a beach visit with saving money). Discounts vary from store to store but you can usually count on a savings of at least 20% and up to 90%. Heads up: Check materials for problems. Always try on clothing and shoes (tags may show the wrong size). Look for irregularities.


The next stop would be online auction sites. You can usually find really great deals here. Ask questions about the clothing. You want to check for stains, damages and weak fabric. Also, if you are bidding on accessories make sure you know your brand and how to tell if it is authentic or not. Look at the pictures closely. Also, factor in the cost of shipping before bidding. Know the highest price you are willing to pay and subtract the shipping from your total. This is your true highest bid.


Another option is to check the want ads in your local papers. Many people will advertise designer clothing and accessories in the paper. It's local. You can examine what you want to buy before buying it and you won't have to pay shipping.


Finally, check your local

. This is my favorite one. The experience feels like a game, especially when you find the prize you wanted. The advantage to shopping the thrift stores is you can take your time going through the merchandise. You are able to inspect it closely for damages and irregularities. On a good day you may also find an incredible bargain with the tags still attached on a name brand designer. Find out what days your thrift stores receive shipments and shop on those days for the best buys. Make sure you keep receipts and tags intact until you have tried on any clothing. Most thrift stores don't allow refunds but will allow exchanges with tags attached for up to 30 days.

Tips & Warnings

The key to finding quality designer fashions at less than discount prices is to know your fashion. You will need to spend time perusing fashion magazines and window shopping the specialty shops in order to learn the names of designers and how to identify their brands.

Be watchful of imposter brands.

How to Find Cowgirl Boots

How to Find Cowgirl Boots

Cowgirl boots are popular today with more than just cowgirls. Whether you regularly ride
or never plop down in a saddle, there's a perfect pair of cowgirl boots for you. To find cowgirl boots that fit your needs and your feet, use the following tips.


Determine what kind of cowgirl boot you are looking for. Whether you want fashion boots or riding boots there are many styles, designs, colors and leather choices available in each category.


Visit local western clothing stores and tack shops to look at cowgirl boots. Most retail stores are expensive but are a good place to start. Try on the style that you like and write down the sizes that fit with each different brand. Most cowgirl boots run in the same size that a normal shoe does, but some brands may be different.


Slip your foot into a pair of boots to see how they fit. If you are looking for cowgirl boots to wear riding, they should be comfortable, but not too loose. As you walk there should be a slight slip in the heel and the boot should hold the rest of your foot snuggly. These boots should not have a thick or chunky sole because they can get caught in a stirrup.


Try on cowgirl boots for fashion to make sure they are a comfortable fit. Fashion boots need to be comfortable for walking in all day. They should fit snug so they don't slip, but should have enough room to be comfortable. The soles and heels of these boots can be thin or chunky and the heels can be taller than riding boots.


Search the Internet for the specific style you liked at the store. Find the brand, style, color and correct size and compare the prices. Prices on the Internet are almost always cheaper, even with shipping. Order the correct size since you already tried them on and walked in them at the store.

Tips & Warnings

Try on many different styles and brands of boots at a retail store. You may be able to find different colors and leathers available online, even if the retail store only offered the boot in one color.

Review the return policy with online stores carefully before buying a boot that you were not able to try on. If it does not fit correctly you should be able to send it back for an exchange or refund.

How to Find Comfortable Sandals

How to Find Comfortable Sandals

The sandals you wear can really make an outfit. Take the time to find a comfortable pair so you will be ready to go anywhere.

Things You'll Need:







Shop at department stores and shoe boutiques to see what is "in" and feels good, too, on your feet.


Decide on the style and look you seek. For everyday, consider a wedge or low heel.


Consider versatile styles that will work with skirts, dresses, shorts and pants.


Consider how much ankle and foot support you need to carry you through the day.


Look for slip-on styles that are easy to wear if you can walk well in them. Or, opt for ankle straps that will stay through lots of walking.


Try walking around the store in the sandals you like to see if they cut into your foot anywhere.


Check where straps hit on your toes, to be sure they aren't rubbing or digging in.


Look for good quality leather sandals that will let your foot breath.


Get extra height by selecting a platform pair. This will make you look taller without making you walk in high heels.


Try dancing in sandals to see if you can move well in them without your ankles turning or slipping.


Try on a variety of styles, finishes and shapes to see what you like most and what feels most comfortable.


Consider sandals in neutral tones and metallic finishes that will go with almost everything you own.


Find sandals with unique touches, such as rhinestones, bows and contrast stitching to make them look more special.

Tips & Warnings

When you find a style that is particularly comfortable, buy them in several colors.

Take care of your sandals by storing them carefully in a shoe box or shoe bag between wearings to help keep their shape and keep them clean.

Steer clear of sandals that hurt when you try them on. If you can't walk well in them, chances are these will end up in the back of your closet and be apt to stay there.

How to Find Colors That Suit

How to Find Colors That Suit

Whether you're determining which kind of makeup to use or what sweater will be more flattering, color plays a huge role. What's more, when you choose your color of makeup or clothing, you also need to consider the coloring your were born with: your eye color, hair color and skin color.


Start with your overall skin tone. In general, darker-skinned people don't have to be as choosy because most colors will work. If you have olive skin, most colors can be flattering, unless you have strong yellow undertones. In that case, stay away from makeup and clothing with yellowish undertones. For fair-skinned people, the process gets trickier. There are more colors in your skin to work with, blemishes show up easier and there can be more of a contrast between hair, eyes and skin.


Determine your undertones by wearing a white T-shirt in a bright area with natural light. Make sure your skin is clean. Study your skin to determine which color stands out the most. Common undertones are yellow, peach and pink, but whatever color is dominant is your undertone color.


Match your undertones with your color choice. In the case of foundation makeup, you will want to find a shade that matches your skin and undertones as close as possible. If you're, trying to find the right shade for a top, go for the opposite shade. For example, if you have yellow undertones in your skin, yellow tones will make you look washed out and tired. But violet is on the other side of the color wheel and is likely to make you shine.

Tips & Warnings

For an extra complementary color, you can match your eyeshadow color or shirt to subtle colors in your hair face and eyes, like to the secondary color in your eyes (the small flecks) or highlights in your hair.

How to Find Colors That Suit You

How to Find Colors That Suit You

Everyone likes to look good and part of looking good is finding out what colors suit you best. You can accomplish this through trial and error but a quicker way is to follow the Winter, Summer, Spring, Fall technique. Each of us will fall into at least one of these categories and the main determinants are skin, hair and eye color.

Understanding The Seasons


Winters colors have black, dark/ash chestnut, salt/pepper or white hair. Skin tone is either cold brown, olive, neutral, sallow or pink beige. Eye color is either brown black, chestnut, hazel, gray or blue. Winters colors are pure (e.g. true white, true black) or jewel-toned (e.g. ruby red, emerald).


Spring hair colors are dark brown, chestnut, light chestnut, or red or golden blond. Skin tone is golden, pink beige, peach, ivory or porcelain and have either blue, green, aqua, golden brown or amber eyes. Springs should wear bright, fresh colors and stay away from dark ones (e.g. sunny yellow).


Falls have brown, dark brown, chestnut, red or copper colored hair; dark brown, olive, golden brown or warm beige skin tone; and dark brown, golden brown, amber, hazel or green eyes. Falls look good in shades that are rich or muted but that also look warm and inviting (e.g. earth tones, think of the autumn season colors in nature).


Summers have dark chestnut or mousy brown hair, gray or blue eyes and pink beige or ivory skin tone. Summers should wear clothing that has a soft tone to it (e.g. pastels) or cool, muted colors (e.g. lavender).

Finding Your Season


Take a piece of clothing that falls into one of the four categories and hold it to your face.


While standing in front of the mirror, close your eyes and then re-open them. What was the first thing you noticed? Was it your face or the color? If it was your face, then you've found your season. If not, try again with one of the other colors/seasons.


Repeat with clothing from the rest of the seasons (if necessary).

Tips & Warnings

You don't want your clothing to overpower your face and once you find your season, it won't. Instead it will enhance and compliment it.

You may have to alternate between all four a few times until you figure out which works for you (this is where it's nice to have a friend or family member be honest with you).

How to Find Clothing Deals

How to Find Clothing Deals

Do you love to shop? Do you enjoy finding bargains on clothing when you go to the mall or shop online at your favorite store? This article will give you a few tips on how to find some great clothing deals.

Things You'll Need:

Internet connection


Check locally. There are many people that are not aware of the local clothing stores that usually have great deals on clothing. Pick a day to explore your town and all those stores you've wondered about. Chances are you will find a few clothing stores that are right up your alley!


Shop online. Many stores will have more bargains online than they will in their store. This is an awesome way to save some money and still dress great.


Consider like new or used clothing. Some people may say they will never buy used clothing, but sometimes just because it's labeled used doesn't mean it looks used. You can find clothing that has only been tried on therefore it really isn't even used!


Do your research. You can usually find out which stores have the best bargains and what brands. You can also find out which malls carry the best clothing deals and can make a road trip out of your shopping trip. Grab a few friends and go have some fun shopping!

Tips & Warnings

This article is not guaranteed to help everyone, use at your own risk!

How to Find Clothes for Your Shape

How to Find Clothes for Your Shape

If you're in the market for some new clothes, you will want to find the right cuts and style for your body type. Here is how to find clothes for your shape that will help you feel stylish and look great.

Things You'll Need:

Full-length mirror




Fitted sweaters






Take a critical look at your own body in a full-length mirror. Be as objective as you can and try to identify its greatest weaknesses and also its biggest strengths.


Decide which are your problem areas that you want to minimize.


Note which areas you are proud of and want to highlight with your clothing choices.


Select wide leg pants to slim wide hips.


Wear straight leg styles to show off long legs.


Choose skirts for a flattering effect.


Look for blouses with open necklines to call attention to a thin neck and pretty face.


Try sleek, fitted sweaters to slim your upper half.


Realize that dark tights can help hide less than perfect legs.


Use flats with cropped pants or skirts that stop at the knee for a look that will flatter many body types.


Opt for heels if you want to lengthen your legs and look instantly taller and slimmer.


Be open to trying on lots of different shapes and styles.


Ask salespeople for recommendations on what will look good on you.


Bring a friend shopping with you for a second opinion.

Tips & Warnings

If you find a cut that looks particularly good on you, search for the same style in a few different colors and fabrics.

Notice what other people with similar body types look good in and try the same type of styles.

Remember that you can have your off-the-rack clothing tailored to fit you perfectly.

Wearing the right undergarments can make a big difference. Be sure you have a good bra and panties with no lines to make your body look its best.

Don't forget to check the back view when you try on clothes. You want to be sure you look at good going as you do coming.

Don't be discouraged if it takes you some time to find the right items.